What do you need to have to be selected by your employer in 2022
What do you need to have to be selected by the employer? Is facing interview and talking fluently is the only way?
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Employability, what is the meaning of this word. This word is a silent killer, to be frank. Why we say this. Many promising souls have had their dreams shattered due to the lack of employability. This has been the reason for many of us to loose our already acquired position in our job. Although this has many forms, we intend to talk about the role it is playing in the interview process.

Primarily, you need to have the sufficient educational qualifications. These do not define who you are or what you can do. It just says that you know about this degree / diploma. Many of us would often forget what we learnt in our undergraduate times if we do not peruse an academic pathway. This is common. According to Lamarck’s theory of evolution, what people do not use gradually shrink and what people use more will gradually develop. This was how Lamarck explained the elongation of Giraffe’s neck. Hence, if we do not use our academic knowledge it will soon be forgotten. Your degree certificate is merely a tool to secure your position in the interview. Here is where AssignmentLanka comes into save you. Click here to find how to select the best Assignment Help Service. The rest is up to you. The “Rest” is not coming from completing assignments or attending daily classes. It is what you have shaped from your life long experience.

Now, what is this employability. First, you must be acutely presentable. What do we mean by presentable? Well, that is your first impression. The FIRST IMPRESSION matters. You have to dress in the right way. Properly combed hair, ironed cloths, polished shoes. And also adequate clothing is needed. For example; gentlemen, you do not wear full suit for a lower management job. You will look weird. For ladies; Although we all appreciate the beauty you have when you wear a mini-skirt, do not make it too short. Make it appealing instead. Everyone loves a professional work person.

The next thing is smile. It does not cost anything. And it can hide many things. If you are exited, believe me you will. They would not see it as long as you smile. Smiling will also relax you. It will help you feel the cooling effect you need.

When it comes to interview questions, do not be exited. Use your language wisely. Our advice is not to byheart things like myself, because that would look abnormal to your employer. Let the words flow into you. It is OK that you stammer sometimes. You are not doing a public speech. Just talk with the casually.

Lastly, when the interview is done, remember the table etiquettes. Push up the chair where it was, salute the interviewer with a handshake or any other means. This is essential even if they say that they will not recruit you. You have to keep up your values no matter what.

We will come up with using employability within the job in a future article.

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