Will Plagiarism detection software catch my outsourcing?

The short answer is “Obviously No”. To give a more detailed explanation, you can yourself do a copied document from internet and books. You are hiring Assignment Lanka, because you want a custom-made document. We cite each and every source we use in the essay. You have nothing to worry as long as you outsource with Assignment Lanka.

How do you protect confidentiality and privacy of customers?

Well, first of all we have absolutely no reason to announce your personal details to anyone else. We will definitely loose a valuable customer by doing so. Secondly, your personal details are of no use to our writers. Even though you share your email address and name and other details with us, our writers do not need them and they are very safe with us.

Is my credit card information safe within Assignment Lanka?

All the credit card payments and PayPal transactions are handled by secure third party websites and there is no way of leaking those information. For your information, they do not even share those with us. PayPal is a very trusted financial service and you have absolutely nothing to worry about money paid.

Is it legal to outsource an essay?

Definitely it is legal. To your amazement, as long as you do not announce it out loud it is ethical too. We understand that you have more important things to do rather than mere academics. As the story goes, we know that you are not partying out there after outsourcing your paper. What if you are? It is still your need. Furthermore, you have a family to feed, parents to look after, a pregnancy to handle etc. Its our foremost ambition to help you in achieving your academic goals. Academic outsourcing is simply like other service. For example, obviously you can cultivate your paddy if you try it. Would it be illegal if you buy it from super market, rather than cultivating yourself? There you get your answer.

How capable are Assignment Lanka writers?

Our academic portfolio consists of PhD scholars, Master’s and Bachelor’s writers, with years of experience in writing academic essays. All of these writers have been selected after a long and rigorous interview protocol to ensure their quality of work.

Is there a refund / money back policy?

Our refund policy needs evidences, but we will help you for the cause. We will be there with you, if you are not satisfied with your work. If you can provide evidences that the writer did not follow the guidelines or questions, we can definitely work for a refund. The request will be reviewed by our consultants’ team and they will notify you. But rest assured we have no unsatisfactory work up to date.

How fast can you deliver?

This depends entirely on your deadline. If you need it fast, just let us know and we will give you the option for the same.

Do I have a choice over writers?

Yes, In each quotation we send to you, we attach three (03) price options from three different writers. You can also see their qualifications and contents of the option. You can choose one of them according to your need. If you are having a hard time in selecting, just let us know, we will help you. We are doing only 03 options because we do not want to stress you in the selection. If you need more options, drop us a message and we will respond.

What is included in the essay delivery?

Our competitors say this in may ways; additional things, features, gifts… blah blah blah. But, we at Assignment Lanka believe that all the other things except the exceptionally written body, are essential parts of the essay itself. When we say an essay/research/assignment, we include everything like executive summary, tables of contents, list of figures and tables, abbreviations, reference lists etc.. So, If you do not want these parts, just let us know so we can omit them.

What is the citation style (Harvard, MLA, APA etc.) you prefer?

We do not have a preferable citation style. We prefer what you say us to do. If that citation style has been discovered and currently present on the face of the earth (or Mars), there is absolutely no reason for us not to use it.

How is the authenticity of the work?

Your work is not just an output of a single person. We have a team working for every single work you assign to us. When the writer has completed the work, we check it through one proof reading station and one quality assurance section. We will return the work back and forth to our writer if something is off. Thereafter, we seek the approval from the consultant to your subject area. He/She is often a professor at a reputed university, and believe it, they are very thorough. It is because of this fool proof process, we are 100% sure of the work we hand over to you.